What Freshwater Fish Are Good For Aquariums?

Are you considering setting up an aquarium in your home, but unsure which freshwater fish would be the best fit? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the variety of freshwater fish species that make ideal additions to your aquarium. From vibrant guppies to peaceful tetras, we have you covered. Discover the perfect companions for your aquatic oasis and dive into the world of freshwater fish! Aquariums are a fantastic way to bring the beauty of underwater life into your own home. When setting up an aquarium, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is choosing the right freshwater fish to populate your tank. With so many different species to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why I’m here to help! In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular, colorful, small, bottom-dwelling, hardy, schooling, peaceful, aggressive, unique, and low-maintenance freshwater fish for aquariums. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which fish are best suited for your specific needs and preferences.

Popular Freshwater Fish for Aquariums


Guppies are a great choice for aquarium enthusiasts of all levels of experience. They are small, colorful, and relatively easy to care for. With their vibrant shades and elegant fins, guppies can add a splash of color to any tank. They are also known for their playful and active nature, making them enjoyable to watch.


Tetras are another popular choice for aquariums due to their dazzling colors and peaceful temperament. They come in various species, including neon tetras and cardinal tetras, and are known for their schooling behavior. Tetras thrive when kept in groups, so it’s best to have a larger tank if you plan on housing multiple tetras.


Mollies are a versatile and hardy fish species that can adapt well to different water conditions. They are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, including black, gold, and dalmatian. Mollies are known for their curious and active nature, making them a joy to observe in your aquarium.

Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are admired for their vibrant colors and flowing fins. While male bettas are well-known for their aggressive behavior and should be kept alone, female bettas can coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive fish. Betta fish are low-maintenance and relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.


Corydoras, or cory catfish, are small, peaceful, and highly sociable freshwater fish. They are recognized by their armored bodies and the presence of barbels, which resemble small whiskers. Corydoras are excellent scavengers, helping to keep the bottom of your tank clean. With their calm demeanor and interesting behavior, they make great companions for your aquarium.


Platies are a popular choice for beginner aquarists due to their peaceful nature and ability to adapt to different water conditions. They come in various colors and patterns, such as red, orange, and blue. Platies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. These colorful and active fish are a great addition to any community aquarium.

Colorful Freshwater Fish for Aquariums

Siamese Fighting Fish

Siamese fighting fish, or bettas, are renowned for their stunning colors and elaborate fins. They are available in a wide range of shades, including vibrant blues, reds, and purples. Betta fish are best kept alone or with peaceful tank mates, as they can be aggressive towards other males of their own species.


Rainbowfish are aptly named for their vibrant and iridescent coloration, which resembles the colors of a rainbow. They are native to the rivers and lakes of Australia and New Guinea. Rainbowfish are generally peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive fish. With their striking appearance, they can be a focal point in any aquarium.


Killifish are a diverse group of fish known for their striking colors and unique patterns. They come in a wide range of species, each with its own distinct beauty. Killifish require specific water conditions and are best suited for experienced aquarists. However, their vibrant colors and intriguing behavior make them a rewarding choice for those up to the challenge.

Discus Fish

Discus fish are often referred to as the “king of the aquarium” due to their majestic appearance and regal behavior. They are native to the Amazon River basin and are known for their vibrant colors and round shape. Discus fish require precise water parameters and a well-maintained tank, making them more suitable for experienced aquarists.


Angelfish are renowned for their graceful appearance and elegant fins. They come in various color variations, including silver, black, and marbled. Angelfish are relatively easy to care for and can adapt well to different tank conditions. They are peaceful fish but may show aggression towards smaller fish or other angelfish during breeding.

Small Freshwater Fish for Compact Aquariums

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small, peaceful, and one of the most popular freshwater fish for aquariums. Known for their vibrant blue and red stripes, they can add a pop of color to any tank. Neon tetras are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of six or more to ensure their well-being and happiness.

Dwarf Rasboras

Dwarf rasboras are tiny, peaceful fish that are perfect for smaller aquariums. They come in various species, such as chili rasboras and mosquito rasboras, each with its own unique beauty. Dwarf rasboras are easy to care for and can coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive fish.

Pygmy Corydoras

Pygmy corydoras are the smallest species of cory catfish, making them an ideal choice for compact aquariums. These adorable fish have a similar appearance to their larger counterparts, with armored bodies and tiny barbels. Pygmy corydoras are social creatures and should be kept in groups of at least six to ensure their well-being.

Ember Tetras

Ember tetras are small, vibrant fish that can add a fiery touch to your aquarium. They are known for their intense orange-red coloration, resembling burning embers. Ember tetras are relatively easy to care for and can be kept in smaller tanks. They are peaceful and can coexist well with other peaceful fish.

Endler’s Livebearers

Endler’s livebearers are small, colorful fish closely related to guppies. They have a striking appearance, with males displaying a mesmerizing array of colors and patterns. Endler’s livebearers are easy to care for and can adapt well to different tank conditions. They are peaceful fish and can be kept in community aquariums.

What Freshwater Fish Are Good For Aquariums?

Bottom-Dwelling Freshwater Fish for Aquariums


Plecos, also known as plecostomus or suckerfish, are popular choices for bottom-dwelling fish in aquariums. They have a distinctive appearance, with their armored bodies and sucker-like mouths. Plecos are excellent algae eaters and can help keep your tank clean. However, they can grow quite large, so it’s important to choose a suitable tank size to accommodate their eventual size.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish, also known as cory catfish or simply cories, are peaceful bottom-dwelling fish that are loved by many aquarium enthusiasts. They are known for their adorable appearance, with their round bodies and barbels. Corydoras catfish are excellent scavengers and can help keep the bottom of your tank clean.

Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli loaches are slender, eel-like fish that are excellent choices for bottom-dwelling aquariums. They have a unique appearance, with their striped patterns and long, slender bodies. Kuhli loaches are known for their nocturnal behavior, often hiding during the day and becoming more active at night. They are peaceful fish and can coexist well with other non-aggressive tank mates.

Bristlenose Catfish

Bristlenose catfish, also known as bushynose catfish, are beloved for their distinctive appearance and helpful behavior in keeping the tank clean. They have a robust body and a unique facial structure, with long “bristles” on their snout. Bristlenose catfish are peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates.

Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus catfish, commonly referred to as otos or dwarf suckers, are small and peaceful fish that are excellent algae eaters. With their sucker-like mouths, they eagerly graze on algae, helping to keep your tank balanced and clean. Otocinclus catfish are best kept in groups, as they are social creatures.

Hardy Freshwater Fish for Beginner Aquariums


Guppies are a popular choice for beginner aquarists due to their hardiness and ease of care. They come in various colors and patterns, including vibrant blues, oranges, and reds. Guppies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young. These colorful and lively fish are great for those new to the world of aquarium keeping.


Mollies are another hardy fish species that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They come in various colors, including black, gold, and silver. Mollies are livebearers and can reproduce quite quickly, so it’s important to consider the male-to-female ratio in your tank. With their peaceful nature and adaptability, mollies are an excellent choice for beginners.


Platies are easy-to-care-for fish that can thrive in a variety of tank conditions. They come in various colors and patterns, including red, orange, and blue. Platies are known for their calm demeanor and can coexist well with other peaceful fish. Their playful nature and ability to breed in captivity make them an ideal choice for beginner aquarists.


Swordtails are another hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They are named for the extension of their lower fin, resembling a sword. Swordtails come in various color variations, including red, orange, and green. With their peaceful nature and ease of care, they are popular choices for beginner aquariums.

Dwarf Gouramis

Dwarf gouramis are small and peaceful fish that are perfect for beginner aquariums. They come in various vibrant colors, including blue, red, and orange. Dwarf gouramis are known for their unique and interactive behavior, making them fascinating to watch. With their hardiness and adaptability, they are an excellent choice for beginners.

Schooling Freshwater Fish for Community Aquariums


Tetras, such as neon tetras and cardinal tetras, are schooling fish that thrive when kept in groups. They are peaceful in nature and can coexist well with a variety of fish species. Tetras are known for their vibrant colors and playful behavior, making them a popular choice for community aquariums.


Rasboras are another schooling fish that can add life and movement to your aquarium. They come in various species, each with its own unique beauty. Rasboras are peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive fish. Keeping them in a group will create a stunning visual display of synchronized swimming.


Danios are active and schooling fish that can bring energy and liveliness to your community aquarium. They come in various species, including zebra danios and pearl danios, each with its own distinct patterns and colors. Danios are relatively hardy and can adapt well to different tank conditions.


Barbs are known for their active nature and vibrant colors, making them lively additions to community aquariums. They come in various species, such as cherry barbs and tiger barbs, each with its own unique charm. While some barb species can be slightly more aggressive, others are peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive tank mates.


Minnows, such as rosy red minnows and white cloud mountain minnows, are small and peaceful fish that can be housed in community aquariums. They are known for their silver or golden coloration and active swimming behavior. Minnows are relatively hardy and can adapt well to different tank conditions.

Peaceful Freshwater Fish for Community Aquariums


Gouramis, such as dwarf gouramis and pearl gouramis, are peaceful and beautiful fish that can add elegance to your community aquarium. They come in various colors and patterns, each with its own unique charm. Gouramis are generally compatible with other non-aggressive tank mates and can coexist peacefully.

Endler’s Livebearers

Endler’s livebearers are peaceful fish closely related to guppies. They come in various colors and patterns, with males displaying vibrant colors and intricate markings. Endler’s livebearers are highly social and can be kept in groups. They are compatible with other peaceful fish and can thrive in a community aquarium.


Guppies, with their vibrant colors and playful nature, are well-suited for community aquariums. They are peaceful and tend to be compatible with a wide range of fish species. Guppies are easy to care for and can adapt well to different water conditions. Their lively presence can bring a sense of joy to your aquarium.


Mollies, with their calm demeanor and adaptability, make excellent additions to community aquariums. They come in various colors, including black, gold, and silver, and can coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive fish. Mollies are hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them a reliable choice for community setups.


Platies are peaceful fish that can coexist harmoniously with other community aquarium inhabitants. They come in various colors and patterns, including red, orange, and blue. Platies have a calm temperament and are generally easy to care for, making them a great choice for community aquariums.

Aggressive Freshwater Fish for Species-Specific Aquariums

Oscar Fish

Oscar fish are large and aggressive freshwater fish that are best suited for species-specific aquariums. They are known for their distinctive personality and their ability to recognize their owners. Oscars require a spacious tank and specific water conditions to thrive. While they may not be suitable for beginners, experienced aquarists can find great joy in keeping these intelligent and interactive fish.

Jack Dempsey

Jack Dempsey fish are highly territorial and aggressive, making them unsuitable for community aquariums. They require a large and well-decorated tank to establish their territory. Jack Dempseys are known for their intriguing behavior and their stunning electric blue or black coloration.

Red Devil Cichlid

Red devil cichlids are medium to large-sized fish known for their aggressive nature. They have a distinct reddish-orange coloration and a reputation for being dominant in aquarium setups. Red devil cichlids require spacious tanks and ample hiding spots to establish their territory.

Green Terror

Green terror cichlids, as their name suggests, are aggressive fish known for their green coloration and territorial behavior. They require large and well-decorated tanks to accommodate their aggressive tendencies. Green terror cichlids are best kept alone or with other aggressive, similarly sized tank mates.

Peacock Bass

Peacock bass are predatory fish that require large and specialized aquarium setups. They are aggressive and can grow quite large, making them unsuitable for most home aquariums. Peacock bass are highly prized by dedicated aquarists with the space and resources to provide for their needs.

Unique Freshwater Fish for Aquarists with Experience


Arowanas are large and impressive fish that require extensive experience and resources to keep successfully. They are known for their elongated bodies, majestic appearance, and unique hunting behaviors. Arowanas require spacious tanks and pristine water conditions to thrive. Due to their large size and specific care requirements, they are best suited for experienced aquarists.


Archerfish are unique and intriguing fish known for their ability to shoot streams of water at insects above the water’s surface. They require a specialized setup that mimics their natural habitat, including a large, open top tank. Archerfish can be challenging to care for and require a carefully balanced diet.


Stingrays are fascinating freshwater fish known for their flat bodies and unique swimming style. They require large, spacious tanks with soft substrate and proper filtration. Stingrays can be challenging to care for, as they have specific water requirements and need plenty of swimming space. They are best suited for experienced aquarists with the resources to meet their needs.


Pufferfish are known for their ability to inflate themselves when threatened, making them one of the most distinctive fish in the aquarium hobby. They require a suitable environment with plenty of hiding places and a proper diet to prevent dental issues. Pufferfish can be sensitive to water conditions, so they are best suited for experienced aquarists.


Polypterus, also known as bichirs or dinosaur eels, are ancient fish with unique armored bodies and lung-like swim bladders. They have a distinctive appearance and require a specialized setup with adequate hiding places. Polypterus can be challenging to care for and are best suited for experienced aquarists familiar with their specific needs.

Low-Maintenance Freshwater Fish for Busy Individuals

Betta Fish

Betta fish are a great option for busy individuals looking to add some life to their home without demanding too much time or effort. They are known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins. Betta fish can thrive in smaller tanks and have relatively low maintenance requirements. However, regular water changes and proper feeding are essential to keep them healthy and happy.


Guppies are low-maintenance and hardy fish that are perfect for those with limited time to dedicate to their aquarium. They can adapt well to different water conditions and do not require complex care routines. Guppies are also known for their ability to breed easily, and a small group of guppies can quickly populate a tank.


Platies are another low-maintenance option for busy individuals. They are hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. Platies are generally peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive fish. With their ease of care and calm demeanor, they are great choices for those with a busy lifestyle.


Corydoras catfish are low-maintenance bottom-dwelling fish that can help keep your tank clean. They are excellent scavengers and can thrive on leftover food and detritus. Corydoras require a well-maintained tank and regular water changes to ensure their health and well-being.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

White cloud mountain minnows are small and low-maintenance fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They are hardy and can thrive in relatively small tanks. White cloud mountain minnows are peaceful and can coexist well with other non-aggressive fish, making them an easy and enjoyable addition to your aquarium.

Now that you have a comprehensive overview of various freshwater fish species suited for aquariums, you can make an informed decision based on your experience level, tank size, and personal preferences. Remember to research the specific needs and care requirements of each fish before introducing them to your tank. Creating a thriving, harmonious underwater ecosystem is within your grasp, and with the right fish selection, your aquarium can become a captivating and beautiful centerpiece in your home. Happy fish-keeping!